Big Woodpecker

Education is at the core of our mission.

The Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference has been attended for years. As time permits, we will upload information gathered from previous attendees.

NW WI Lakes Conference 2023

This year's Lakes Conference will be held Friday, June 23rd, 9am - 3:45pm in Spooner. The TLA will sponsor two members to attend. Take a look at this brochure to see the various discussions. There will also be lots of tables full of informative brochures with lots of helpful people. This is a great way to stay up-to-date on issues facing our lake. Some past attendees have, frankly, been surprised at how enjoyable it was!

Brochure Draft bifold-23-5 (2)

NW Wisconsin Lakes Conference 2018

On 6/22/18 Bob and Becky Olson attended the 20th Anniversary of the NW Wisconsin Lakes Conference. This conference is the longest running citizen conference in Wisconsin. The Keynote speaker was Keith Crowley, writer, photographer and owner of the Lodge Trail Media. His work has been featured in Field and Stream, Ducks Unlimited, etc. After the opening there were several breakout sessions to choose from.

Bees, Beekeeping and Plants for Bees
Presented by Gary Reuter, University of Minnesota Bee Lab, attended by Becky Olson

  1. There are over 400+ species of bees in Minnesota and Wisconsin
  2. There are different types of honey that include Basswood, clover, wildflower and buckwheat. Wildflower honey is made in Wisconsin.
  3. One third of all the food we eat is dependent on bee pollination.
  4. In the US, there are 750,000 acres of almond trees that require 1.5 million bees for pollination.
  5. Blueberries across the US require 150,000 colonies of honey bees for pollination.
  6. Native bees such as leaf cutter and bumble bees pollinate over half of our food in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
  7. Good flowers to attract bees include Blue Flag Iris, Joe Pye Weed, Jewel Weed and Fringed Loosestrife.
  8. The U of M Twin Cities campus offers New Bee Keeper classes in the spring and fall.

Zebra Mussels 2018 Update
Attended by Bob Olson

Click in the links below to see two flyers Bob picked up, they will get you up-to-date on aquatic invasive species. Luckily we don’t have any in Tabor Lake but they have been found in Big McKenzie Lake, jut 30 miles away. Our vigilance is our best defense.

2018 Update on Zebra Mussels
Zebra Mussels pamphlet

Thank you to Bob & Becky for volunteering to attend the conference!


NW Wisconsin Lakes Conference 2016

This year the Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference was held in Spooner on June 24th. Shirley Bauer and Karin Preus attended, here are their reports.  (more…)